Your community partner for renewable power development
Renewable energy is a key source of power which is environmentally friendly and affordable. It is the fastest growing source of electricity generation in North America. It is sustainable electricity generation that does not deplete the earth’s finite natural resources. Wind and solar energy produce zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Electricity is an integral part of our society in every community. ZED understands the great potential for developing renewable energy power generation projects in Canada. Across the continent, ZED, along with its partners, has the expertise and resources to develop renewable energy in your community.
We are …
…a successful renewable energy project developer.
The 15 megawatt (MW) Pennask and Shinish Creek wind projects located in the Okanagan Valley of BC were initiated by ZED, and began operating and generating clean, renewable electricity in 2017.
By completing these projects, and through more recent work on several additional projects, ZED has demonstrated expertise in the permitting, planning, design, financing, and procurement of renewable energy projects. ZED is also well positioned for completion of more projects in the future. ZED is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anemos Energy Corporation of Hamilton, Ontario.

Our Projects


Shinish Creek

Community development is at our heart
As ZED continues to develop existing and new renewable energy projects, we are looking for property owners, businesses and communities interested in partnering with us.